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Earn money displaying ads on your blog

Written By Unknown on Saturday, February 8, 2014 | 7:20 PM

Earn money displaying ads on your blog
There are many ways to make money with your blog . Easiest way to earn money with your blog is to display ads on it. So if you have a decent traffic coming to your blog you can monetize it by displaying ads. In order to make money displaying ads you should find sponsors interested in displaying their ad on banner on your blog. Depending on the number of visitors to your site you could rent an advertisement place on your blog for several hundred dollars per month or more. Finding advertisers by yourself is rather hard and requires significant time and effort. If you don't have extra time or just simply want to use your extra time for other things like improving your blog etc. you can join one or more ad network and let them take care of finding advertisers. for your site.

You earn money through displaying ads on two ways. One is CPM (cost-per-mille, cost per thousand views) which pays $ per thousand impressions, usually around several dollars. Other is cost per click, which means you earn money when someone clicks on the ads on your website. The payout for cost-per-click is from several cents up to several dollars.

There are many ad networks you could join. Some of the largest are the following:

Adsense - Adsense is owned by Google and is a surefire method for earning money for many webmasters.

Bidvertizer - a good alternative for Adsense. Display ads and get paid for clicks and conversions.

Text-link-ads - You receive 50% split on all revenue for all ads sold, Text-link-ads handles  serving,  scheduling, billing, g, customer service, and sales.

When joining these or other ad networks make sure to thoroughly check the terms of service so you don't get banned. For instance, some of them dont accept certain websites such as porn, gambling, some of them may also don't accept ads from other networks on same page, and other issues that might conflict with terms of service