- Graphics and design. You can offer to design a book cover, or a logo or a business card for a customer.
- Video & animation. You can offer your customers to edit a video or a make a 3D animation for them.
- Online marketing. You can offer to build backlinks for your customers or send a number of visitors to their website
- Writing and translation. Offer to write a 400 word article or translate a 1000 words to the potential clients.
- Advertising. You can offer to create a video or a logo for certain company or product. You can also offer to post flyers for the clients.
- Business. Offer to help someone to write a business plan. Also offer to conduct a market research for the potential clients.
- Programming and tech. Offer to write a program code in C++ , or you can offer your help in setting up a Wordpress blog.
- Music and Audio. Offer your services in editing mastering. Making custom ringtones. You can also offer to do a voice-over and narration. Another thing you can offer in this category is music lessons and songwriting tutorials.
- Fun and bizarre. Offer to do a celebrity impersonation. Do some kind of stunt such as a circus trick, backflip etc.
- Lifestyle. Offer to someone to develop a two week diet plan for him. You can also offer to give delicious recipes to help lose weight fast.
These are
just a few of the types of service that are offered on Fiverr. All jobs on Fiverr
are priced $5, however you don’t get to keep all of them. You earnings will be
$4 or 80%, $1 or 20% go to Fiverr and
Paypal, Paypal is the payment processor through which you will receive your
payment, so if you don’t already have an account you should open one for free.
Since the
payment for every job on Fiverr that is finished on time and according to the
clients requirements is $4, it’s clear that working on tasks that require 2 or
3 hours to finish is not very lucrative and you won’t even make a minimum wage.
Because of this you should asses you capabilities and skills and decide what
kind of job you can do very well in very short time, preferably 10 – 15 minutes or less. The job
you plan to offer on the Fiverr marketplace should also have a value for the
potential clients or no one will be ready to pay the $5 for something that he doesn’t